Home / Membership / EUROPRACTICE Representative

Expectations of the role of EUROPRACTICE Representative

The EUROPRACTICE Representative MUST be a senior, full-time, permanent member of ACADEMIC staff, or senior research staff if from a Research institute member, with appropriate connections to senior management (i.e. not students and not IT staff or other technical support workers) with appropriate technical knowledge within the sphere of Microelectronics design and is expected to:


The Microlectronics Support Centre at URKI-STFC is always happy to give advice on any aspect of EUROPRACTICE membership and design tools support, both administrative and technical, to anyone at an existing or prospective new EUROPRACTICE member Institute. It is not necessary for all enquiries to be routed via the EUROPRACTICE Representative. We do ask that all enquiries are sent to our central account of MicroelectronicsCentre@stfc.ac.uk so that they can be logged and distributed to the most appropriate member(s) of the MSC Staff.

Change of EUROPRACTICE Representative

Change of Representative Form

If the EUROPRACTICE Representative should change at your Institute, please inform EUROPRACTICE using the form above. This form must be completed and signed by the new Representative and the previous Representative - or a responsible person at your Institution if the previous Representative is not available.